Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Play in childhood - 1379 Words

Play What is play? Play is defined as engaging in activates for enjoyment recreation rather than a serious practical purpose. Playing is a disorganized voluntary spontaneous activity, which may include objects, one’s body, symbol usage, and relationships. Play is flexible, individualize, grouped, motivating, self-directed, open-ended, or self-directed. (Smith, 2013) (Saskatchewan Ministry of Education, 2010) While playing, children are gaining creative skills for creative development, which enhances the ability of creativity, learning techniques, and academic success. The most important development is cognitive. This development is vital for school success. Cognitive development enables a child to solve problems,†¦show more content†¦Sensorimotor play, also know as functional play, involves repetitive use of reflexes, such as, swinging, sliding, or playing on the merry-go-round This type of play can be observed on playgrounds. Dramatic play is a type of symbolic play in which a child acts out an individual. When others engage in the acting, it becomes sociodramatic play. Games with rules allow children to build social skills. (Playground Professionals LLC, 2013) Importance of play Why is play important? Erik Erikson third stage of psychosocial development, â€Å"initiative versus guilt† emerges around 3-6 years of age. During this aggressive stage, children start to take on life and exploring themselves. If a child has too much guilt in this stage, it can hinder the child and slow down their social and creativity skills. Parents are to encourage the child, but give guilt as well to establish their self-control and conscience. (McLeod, 2013) Play is essential in child development, because skills such as language, physical, emotional, social, literacy, creative, and cognitive are developed. A variety of play, activities, and toys, require different words to describe the play that is occurring, enhancing language development. Language development is important in communication, language forms functions, intentional verbal interactions (asking and answering questions), and playing with language (i.e., rhymes, jokes, riddles).Show MoreRelatedImportance of Play in Early Childhood1586 Words   |  7 PagesPlay is an important part of children’s life that keeps them healthy both physically and mentally. It is a way through which children explore their imagination, build various skills required for their development in different areas. In this essay, importance of play in children’s learning and development is discussed in relation to Piaget’s cognitive theory, Vygotsky socio-cultural theory and Te Whaariki. Moreover, the teacher’s role and strategies used in encouraging the play-based curriculum inRead MoreGender Play - Childhood Influences2586 Words   |  11 PagesChildhood is simply the time between infancy and adulthood, the time when we are developing, learning and are dependent on someone to guide us and help us through life. Richard Mills’ (2000, p.8) research shows many views, such as is â€Å"childhood a state of powerlessness and adaptation to a lack of power (as Waksler maintains, 1991:69)?† â€Å"...Or dependency (Shipman, 1972: 13)? Can it not simply be regarded as a period of biological, intellectual, and social development; as a time for the ‘accumulationRead MoreEarly Childhood Play Observation Paper1567 Words   |  7 PagesKaushiga Selvamanickam ECE: 101 INTRODUCTION TO EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION PLAY OBSERVATIOIN PAPER The School I Selected For the Play Observation Is QUINSIGAMOND CHILDREN’S SCHOOL AN EARLY EDUCATION AND CHILDCARE PROGRAM. This school is a licensed childcare program and NAEYC accelerated. The center is providing child care program for children age from 2.9 to 5 years old. There is 2 preschool classroom, I did my observation in preschool classroom room no: 1 on 10/2/2017 time from 9am to 10am. ThereRead MorePlay: An Effective Component of Childhood Development2016 Words   |  8 Pagesï » ¿The notion of play could be perceived to encompass any form of ludic activity and is a crucial element pertaining to early childhood years. It is an acknowledged fact that, if presented with the choice, both children and adults would like to play. However, the assumption originally launched by Piaget still endures, namely that play is indicative of immature functioning, a developmental stage that children go through, and that if this is successfully transcended they will then be ready for formalRead MoreRole Of Play On Early Childhood Education2754 Words   |  12 Pages Role of Play on Early Childhood Education Bharati Saha Early Childhood Education Department, University of Oklahoma This paper is submitted for the EDEC 5970 – Social Emotion in Early Childhood as part of the course requirement. Abstract Early childhood development occurs in six domains. This paper discusses the role of play and its effects on these domains in children learning. Different types play and play centers were discussed to show connectivity of the play type and domainRead MoreThe Psychology of Play During Childhood Essay3221 Words   |  13 Pages Play is the business of childhood, allowing your child free rein to experiment with the world around him and the emotional world inside him, says Linda Acredolo, professor of psychology at the University of California at Davis and co-author of Baby Signs: How to Talk With Your Baby Before Your Baby Can Talk and Baby Minds: Brain-Building Games Your Baby Will Love. While it may look like mere childs play to you, theres a lot of work — problem solving, skill building, overcoming Read MoreGender Differences Of Childhood Play Behavior3366 Words   |  14 PagesGender Differences in Childhood Play Behavior To the general population, a child’s playmate is not considered as having much importance. Many people tend to look at a child’s playmate as insignificant because they believe that children do not care who they play with and it is of random chance that children interact with either same or cross-sex. However, in actuality, a child’s playmate is very important because one of the many goals of infancy and toddlerhood is to enable children to express theirRead MoreThe Importance Of Play For Early Childhood Education Programs1699 Words   |  7 PagesGDTCS 101 PLAY AND PEDAGOGY GDTCS 101 PLAY AND PEDAGOGY GDTCS 101 PLAY AND PEDAGOGY Assessment 2 Respond to scenarios that examine?the relevance of the main discourses of play for early childhood education programs This essay introduces the definition of play, its importance in early years. It also makes us understand the different contributions made by theorists in enhancing our understanding the value of play. It also examines the implications of play on children and early childhood servicesRead MoreIn Early Childhood, Play Diverges, Contingent On An Immense1351 Words   |  6 PagesIn early childhood, play diverges, contingent on an immense amount of intricacies and has been predisposed through the years by numerous theories in early childhood development. Consideration needs to be taken as to if play is free and simple or not. Over the years there has been a multitude of different theories about the purpose of a child’s play. The first theories of play were developed in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries with four main theories that involved the perception of how andRead More Childhood Play Behavior and Cognitive Development Essay1717 Words   |  7 Pages Childhood play behavior is an important part of every child’s life. Starting in infancy, children begin to explore their world through play. This behavior can serve as an indicator of the child’s cognitive and social development. The research on play and development is a key to helping caregivers understand the importance of childhood play. This paper will focus on the psychological aspects of childhood play behavior and its relation to cognitive development. According to the

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

A Short Note On The War Of 1812 - 1368 Words

Erik Nicolaysen Mrs. Nelson History 131 18 April 2016 War of 1812 The War of 1812 was a battle fought between the United States and Great Britain, along with help from Canada and the Native Americans, from June 18, 1812 to February 18, 1815. The United States declared war against Great Britain due to multiple disputes that included trade restrictions against the United States, the capture of American sailors and the support of Native American tribes fighting against American settlers. These issues led to the War of 1812 which Americans ultimately declared the â€Å"Second War of Independence†. Great Britain’s primary goal was to defend their North American colonies but they also wanted to create a neutral Indian buffer state in the Midwest. As a colony of Great Britain, Canada fought in the war as they were being invaded by the Americans. The Native Americans fought against the United States because they did not want the Americans to expand westward. These groups joined forces during the War of 1812 to prevent the United States from becoming a major force in the world. Trade restrictions brought on by the British war with France helped with the start of the War of 1812. France and Great Britain were already at war. France didn’t allow America to trade with Great Britain and Great Britain didn’t allow America to trade with France. American ships were seized by Britain and France. In addition, Great Britain captured 10,000 American sailors and made them work in theShow MoreRelatedEssay Causes Of The War Of 18121739 Words   |  7 PagesCauses of the War of 1812 The War of 1812 was fought between the United States and Great Britain from June 1812 to the spring of 1815 (Findling, 15). When the war began, it was being fought by the Americans to address their grievances toward the British, though toward the end, the issues eventually were unjustified and reasons manipulated. There is no single cause for the War of 1812 but instead, several related causes, such the influence of the War Hawks, the impressments as well as the EmbargoRead MoreThe United States Navy Essay1269 Words   |  6 Pagesresources to maintain, which the U.S. did not have at the time. To say that the United States Navy was ill prepared for war would be a dramatic understatement. The U.S. had a total of fifteen ships in its entire naval fleet compared to the might of the Royal Navy which possessed over six hundred warships. Even with the odds stacked against the U.S., President Madison declared war on 18 JUN 1812. The lack of size and power of the navy at the time would m ake it extremely difficult to satisfy the needs of theRead MoreCrime And Corruption Within The Global Banking Systems1654 Words   |  7 Pagesand Genoa, Italy and in Germany around the 16th century. But, in the 17th century banks began to emerge in England when people would deposit their money with goldsmiths for safety. The goldsmiths would issue a note promising to pay the bearer a predetermined amount on demand. These notes were exchanged instead of coins because it was easier and safer. The goldsmiths would lend the money that was deposited in return for a higher interest. To attract more people to deposit their money the goldsmithsRead MoreFirst 15 Presidents of the United States1586 Words   |  7 Pagesstate. * 1791 the Bank Act established a national banking system, and the Bill of Rights ratified and took effect, Vermont becomes 14th state. * 1792 Post office established as separate entity, New York Stock exchange organized. * 1793 war breaks out between Britain and France, U.S. declares neutrality. * 1794 Whiskey Rebellion. * 1795 British troops forced to withdrawal from U.S. * 1796 Washington posed for the portrait that is now on the dollar bill. Other facts†¦ Read MoreAbraham Lincoln s The Argument Against The War1182 Words   |  5 PagesDestiny Hellyer Hist-1301 â€Å"Abraham Lincoln Condemns the War with Mexico, 1848† 1) What is Abraham Lincoln’s main argument against the war? When Lincoln was a Congressman in the House of Representatives, during his short term, he loudly opposed the Mexican war held in 1846. His main argument was that the war was unconstitutional and unnecessary and was based on a lie. He faced severe criticism from fellow Whigs including other congressmen for raising voice against the USA intervention in the MexicanRead MoreCauses of the War of 18121830 Words   |  8 PagesCauses of the War of 1812 The War of 1812 was fought between the United States and Great Britain from June 1812 to the spring of 1815 (Findling, 15). When the war began, it was being fought by the Americans to address their grievances toward the British, though toward the end, the issues eventually were unjustified and reasons manipulated. There is no single cause for the War of 1812 but instead, several related causes, such the influence of the War Hawks, the impressments as well as the EmbargoRead MoreThe War Of 1812 And Its Impact On American History2017 Words   |  9 Pagesis remembered primarily for its actions against Britain during the Revolutionary War, where we threw the despotic empire off our backs and declared our own independence. However, the War of 1812 was just as important when it came to its role in American history. Although the War of 1812 is a very small conflict in comparison to some of the wars and conflicts we have entered since then, the results of the War of 1812 have directly imp acted American history ever since, both politically and historicallyRead MoreThe Enigma Of Russian Identity Essay1561 Words   |  7 PagesHowever, in 1796 Catherine II left her rational and western leaning empire to her son Paul. However, his reign lasted only a few short years and following his death his son, Aleksandr I, took the throne. The reign of Aleksandr I ushered in a new era and thus a new understanding of Russian identity. The reign of Aleksandr I was marked by the French invasion of Russia in 1812 and the rise of nationalism. The defeat of Napoleon s army was significant in illustrating Russia as a powerful western empireRead MoreBank Regulation Of The Modern Day Economy1201 Words   |  5 Pagesspecifically to fund the American Revolutionary War). This allowed for The Bank of North America to be granted a monopoly on the issue of bills of credit as currency at the national level. A second Bank of the United States was created in 1816 and operated until 1832 (primary used to fund the US War in 1812). During these time periods, banks were extremely cautious about who they allowed to lend their money to and typically only distributed short term loans. After this time period, the United StatesRead MoreWhat Is the Difference Between the Battlefield and the Battlespace, and How Will This Difference Shape Conflict in the 21st Century?1649 Words   |  7 Pagesdeals with conflict in the 21st century. In order to explain the differences this paper will be written in a linear fashion, explaining how battles were fought in the days of old, from medieval times to the Second World War (WWII), how they are being fought now, the Cold War to Afghanistan, and how they will be fought in the future. Definitions Battlefield â€Å"The common definition of â€Å"battlefield† is quite simple: a battlefield is the piece of ground on which a battle is fought. A battlefield

Monday, December 9, 2019

Shakespearean Sonnet Analysis free essay sample

A similarly pleasing but slightly most ethereal take on the word would be the definition of excellent breed or spirit. Again the words honorable and distinguished come up. If performing to a more low-brow audience the Bard may have chosen to play up the now lesser know definition shoemaker in an attempt at satire. Other definitions that can be taken into consideration Include courteous, polite, cultivated, domesticated, tame, quiet, easily managed, soft, tender, pliant, supple, kind, and mild In disposition or behavior. Some of these seem to Imply that a woman worth adoration is a subservient one. Grace generally means by definition the quality of producing favorable impressions: attractiveness, charm. However it has also been known to refer to the sister-goddess regarded as the bestowed of beauty and charm, and portrayed as women of exquisite beauty. Shakespeare used the term Grace in such a way in The Tragedy of Tortuously and Caressed Had I a sister were a Grace, or a daughter a Goddess, he should take his choice. We will write a custom essay sample on Shakespearean Sonnet Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Of course, taking the word grace off of its pedestal, it can be known to Just mean thanks or permission. The next two lines should be discussed as a unit because they form a single thought. But now my gracious numbers are decayed And my sick Muse doth give another place. Gracious numbers what might that refer to? The term number hasnt much room for Interpretation but gracious Is very Interesting. Gracious Is defined as Of a character likely to find favor more specifically kindly, benevolent, [and] courteous. If for some reason the poet wanted to take a more pompous stance, kind, indulgent and beneficent to inferiors it could be heightened further to the point of blasphemous pomposity if the poet chooses Of the Deity, Christ, the Virgin Mary: Disposed to show or dispense grace, merciful, compassionate, benignant as he definition supplying opportunity for a good laugh for the right audience, but keep the language encrypted enough to keep ones head. The next bit that paints a bit of imagery is sick Muse. The initial synonyms that come to mind when given the word sick are ill or unhealthy, and ill actually appears in the first definition. However it can also mean spiritually or morally ailing or morbid, enjoying sick humor giving the phrase a less pathetic and more sinister twist. It could merely describe the Musss description as well. Shakespeare was the first to use sick in su ck a way in Romeo Juliet Be not her Maid since she is ingenious, Her Vestal leery is but sick and Greene here sick means Of a sickly hue; pale, wan. Muse also has an interesting variable.The initial assumption to a reader seeing as Shakespeare chose an uppercase M would be the one of the daughters of Zeus from Greek mythology. That goes along with noble and kindly and the assumption that this is not a satire. However an interesting ambiguity on the the lowercase m muse, of which a listener to this sonnet would only be able to distinguish by the portrayal of the performer, is bagpipe. Bagpipe is not only defined as an instrument, but an inflated and senseless talker; Now to describe this woman as a bagpipe follows more with the satirical take.So with a matter of mere presentation a humble admirer and his pickled goddess can be construed into a self-righteous braggart and an obscene gossiper. It is easy to assume that the poet is sincere based on the next coupled line l grant, sweet love, thy lovely argument Deserves the travail of a worthier pen. Sweet-love appears within sweets definition as a term of affection for a beloved person. All definitions of sweet have very positive connotations until oh reevaluate definition c in the ODD: gentle which takes us back to the previously utilized definition: shoemaker again possibly portraying a less desirable woman. Travail refers to labor, but worthy can either mean distinguished by good qualities or sufficiently heavy or severe Merited by default or wrong-doing. meet what of the thy poet doth invent He robs of thee and pays it thee again While invent has the neutral create as a definition, it also has a negative connotation when given the alternative to fabricate, feign, make up. The remainder of the piece is the most ugh worthy because it is so topically nice and yet it may seethe with sarcasm if given the second scenario. He lends thee virtue and he stole that word From thy behavior; beauty doth he give And found it in thy cheek; he can afford No praise to thee but what in thee doth live. Then thank him not for that which he doth say, Since what he owes thee thou thyself dost pay. This makes for the imagery of either a very humble, thankful admirer reminiscent of courtly love or a wretched mean shrew, whos steaming at the ears at what shes been told, all the while, being assured by her poet that he is merely reporting the facts as he sees them.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Satire on Global Warming Essay Example

Satire on Global Warming Paper I am proposing that the people of the world minimize their heat usage to the extreme. This means minimal heating in cars, houses, and the use of appliances that generate heat must be minimized. If everyone sacrifices this amount of heating, we can get the earth back down to a normal temperature. The use of hair dryers, curling irons, computers, copy machines, or any other electrical appliance which generates any amount of heat must be limited to an hour per day. At the present moment, most electrical machines r devices are kept turned on throughout the entire day, whether they are in use or just sitting somewhere producing heat, which in turn, is causing global warming. In recent news reports, 49 out of the 50 states have had snowfall in the same day. The only state that did not have snow was Hawaii. This means the typical hot states like Florida, Texas, and Alabama had snowfall. This is not normal, especially since this has been a repeated occurrence Global warming is causing chaos in the weather systems!!! This news should stop he people of the world in their tracks and cause them to change their ways immediately, but yet it does not. What will stop people in their tracks? When the world explodes because of too much global warming? This issue has gotten out of hand and it is time to end it. So, people of the world! It is your time to make a difference. Turn off the TVs, lights, and computers. Unplug the cell phones, hair dryers, and toasters. Use less electricity-sucking appliances which are heating everything up and join in the force to save the planet! We will write a custom essay sample on Satire on Global Warming specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Satire on Global Warming specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Satire on Global Warming specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

4 Punctuation Marks for Forming Appositive Phrases

4 Punctuation Marks for Forming Appositive Phrases 4 Punctuation Marks for Forming Appositive Phrases 4 Punctuation Marks for Forming Appositive Phrases By Mark Nichol An appositive phrase extends a sentence by adding more information in apposition (meaning â€Å"related to† or â€Å"juxtaposed with†) to a word or phrase preceding it. This post describes how to use each of four forms of punctuation to extend a sentence by adding an appositive phrase. 1. Colon A colon signals to the reader that what follows is an expansion or explanation of what precedes it: The colon is equivalent to an equals sign in mathematics. (The preceding statement is an example of expansion.) The traditional rule of capitalization after a colon is twofold: If the text that follows the colon as an expansion or explanation is a phrase or a single sentence, the first word of that passage should not have an initial capital letter. If the text is more extensive, the first word of each related sentence should be capitalized. (The preceding statement is an example of explanation.) This rule is not universally accepted, and I’m among the heretics: I prefer to initial-cap what follows a colon if it is a complete statement of one or more sentences, because I think that the distinction between incomplete and complete statements is more logical than the standard criterion. The colon also appositively signals that a quotation or a list follows, as in â€Å"This truth is universal: ‘Just because you can doesn’t mean you should’† and â€Å"I bought three tools: a hammer, a wrench, and a screwdriver.† (Read more about colons.) 2. Dash A dash can substitute for each of the other three punctuation marks described here; the choice is based on tone rather than sentence organization. A dash represents a sudden or abrupt shift it’s a dramatic device to set the reader up for a change of syntactical form or for a revelation or a punch line. A pair of dashes can be employed parenthetically, but that use does not apply to appositive phrases. (Read more about dashes and search the site for â€Å"em dashes† for more posts that discuss the topic.) 3. Ellipsis An ellipsis, a series of three dots that separate one part of a sentence from another (also known collectively as ellipses), indicates an intentional or unintentional pause caused by person being at a loss for words or hesitating because of some emotion such as doubt or fear or for dramatic effect. (Ellipses are often interspersed with letter spaces a more aesthetically pleasing style though some publications omit the spaces or use a single-character ellipsis.) When an ellipsis concludes a sentence, it represents faltering speech, and it marks omission of one or more words from quoted material, but these uses do not apply to appositive phrases. (Read more about ellipsis.) 4. Semicolon The semicolon is similar in name and appearance to the colon, but its function is unrelated; it serves as a weak period, as employed here, or as a strong comma, as shown in the next paragraph. In its weak-period guise, it marks the end of one statement and the beginning of another; however, it is appropriate in place of a period only if the second statement is closely related to or dependent on the first one. Note that when a semicolon appears in such a case, no coordinating conjunction (such as and or but) should follow it. (However, when the conjunctive adverb that begins this sentence, or others such as moreover or therefore, follows a semicolon, as occurs earlier in this paragraph, a comma should follow the word.) A strong-comma semicolon is one used in place of two or more commas when the elements in a run-in list are themselves lists, as in this sentence: â€Å"The three most frequent color schemes in flags are red, white, and blue; red and white; and, tied for third place, red, yellow, and green and red, white, and green.† (Note that not all list items must include internal punctuation.) Many writers are reluctant to use semicolons because they do not understand how to use the punctuation mark correctly or consider it overly formal, but its roles are simple and helpful. (Read more about semicolons.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:12 Types of Language"Owing to" vs "Due to"15 Names and Descriptions of Effects

Friday, November 22, 2019

Formatting Book Titles in the Digital Age

Formatting Book Titles in the Digital Age Formatting Book Titles in the Digital Age Formatting Book Titles in the Digital Age By Maeve Maddox A reader wonders why he is seeing book titles presented in all capitals: Ive even seen publishers and editors do it, so I started thinking maybe I was misinformed. Typing book titles in all caps is a peculiarity of the publishing industry. According to The Chicago Manual of Style, the practice originated in the days of the typewriter when titles that are now easily italicized on a computer had to be underscored; typing the title in all caps for industry correspondence and interdepartmental memos saved time. The all-caps practice has continued into the digital age, perhaps because early email programs transformed italics into gibberish; typing titles in all capitals insured that they would be readable. Most of today’s email programs handle italics perfectly well, but the practice persists. Many sites offering advice to writers recommend the all-caps approach when corresponding with publishers and agents. Here’s an example from a model query letter on the Writer’s Digest site: I’m currently seeking representation for my YA [Young Adult] novel, FALLS THE SHADOW. Given your interest in science fiction, I thought it might be a good fit for your list. CMOS does not approve, not even for email. Their recommendation â€Å"when italic type is unavailable† is to type an underscore at the beginning of the title and another at the end of the title, as in this example: When I first read _The History of the Siege of Lisbon_, I was so grateful to discover a book about a proofreader that Saramago’s hypnotic stringing together of sentences nearly sent me into an ecstatic trance. Here is the CMOS stance on the formatting of titles of creative works: 1. The titles of novels, long poems, movies, and television series are italicized. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (a novel) Flowers for Algernon (a novella, but still long enough to warrant an italicized title) Paradise Lost (a poem of about 10,000 lines) Enoch Arden (a poem of about 900 lines) To Have and Have Not (a movie) Downton Abbey (a television series) 2. The titles of short stories, short poems, songs, chapter titles, and television episodes are enclosed in double quotation marks. â€Å"Lucy Looks into a Wardrobe† (chapter title from The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe) â€Å"Ulysses† (short poem of 73 lines) â€Å"Deus ex Machina† (episode title of television series Person of Interest) â€Å"When You Wish upon a Star† (song) Note: British usage prefers single quotation marks (e.g., ‘Ulysses’). As with certain other matters concerning mechanics, The Associated Press Stylebook does not concur with CMOS. AP style recommends enclosing the titles of all of the following in quotation marks: books computer games movies operas plays poems albums songs radio and television programs lectures speeches works of art AP does not enclose the following works in quotation marks: the Bible catalogs almanacs directories dictionaries encyclopedias gazetteers handbooks software programs As with apostrophe use, it’s up to the writer to choose a style guide to follow. Writers in search of publication are probably wise to do as the Romans do. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Yours faithfully or Yours sincerely?Confused Words #3: Lose, Loose, Loss"Wracking" or "Racking" Your Brain?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Financial Analysis of a Publicly-Traded Company Research Paper

Financial Analysis of a Publicly-Traded Company - Research Paper Example However, after conversion of preferred stock held by the US government into a common stock, US government is the largest stakeholder of the company to the tune of over $25 billion (Stempel, 2009). Q.2 Identify the five (5) forces of competition and how it impacts the company. Porter's five forces of competition describe Citigroup’s relative standing in the financial market and the impact these forces may crate on the company can be elaborated under the following heads (Porter, 2008). Threat of Entry from Other organizations Banking business requires huge resources and credibility to begin with and that will surely create an entry barrier for a new entrant. The economies of scale go in favor of the Citi as that helps Citi to provide the services to the consumers at affordable cost. There is always a moderate threat from overseas players to enter in the niche area of Citi. Supplier Power Citi is in the business of financial services. Deposit holders provide huge chunk of capital to the Citi. In most of the cases, they do not have any bargaining power as they are in millions scattered all around and individually too small to dictate any terms. Currently, money flows globally and forward and backward integration of the companies in financial service business can create some turbulent times to the Citigroup but that applies to all firms within the financial market. Buyer Power Being in the financial services business, retail buyers do not have any bargaining power as such and they need to buy as per the market offerings. It is true that business moves in favor of the market-driven company but buyers bargaining power in the financial sector is not substantial to tilt the scale against the companies in this sector. Institutional buyers are the informed buyers and they do possess bargaining power to a certain extent because they buy in bulk; however, that bargaining power is not always one-sided. Financial products are inherently complex in nature and buyers hav e limited capacity to understand them though they do get substitutes in the market. This factor is not likely to affect much to the company like Citigroup. Rivalry Factor There are numerous competitors in the financial services business in retail and the institutional sectors; however, brand equity is superb in case of Citi. Mergers and acquisition is a common phenomenon in the financial sector. Size of the corporation does matter and Citigroup is one of the giant in the financial sector business so that is always a plus point for the company. Usually, companies change the hands but do no prefer to exit completely as sector offers lucrative business opportunities in the long run. Product differentiation is always possible to carve a suitable niche for the company and Citi has been doing the same for several decades. Substitution Threats Due to numerous players in the financial service sector business, substitute products are always available and the consumers weigh them with all pro s and cons. Citi also faces the issue of

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Smoking cigarettes is deadly Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Smoking cigarettes is deadly - Essay Example Over half of all long-term smokers eventually die of a smoking-related disease. Smoking affects many parts of the body; both internally, e.g. increased risk of infertility, impotence and reduced sperm count, and externally, e.g. dry skin, smelly breath and stained teeth. In the short-term, smokers are prone to suffer from a shortness of breath as less oxygen gets transported to the lungs. Long-term, there is increased risk of respiratory problems, e.g. chronic bronchitis, emphysema and chronic asthma. Smokers also have lower level of antioxidants in the blood to repair damaged cells than non-smokers. This makes them less immune to viruses, which weaken their natural defences. The Surgeon General Report (2010) also highlights that thousands of non-smokers die each year from heart disease, lung cancer and respiratory infections due to breathing in second hand smoke. The scientific link between health risks and second hand smoke is now so strong that a number of countries including the UK have banned all forms of smoking in public places such as restaurants and cinemas. I now wish to turn my attention to 2 of the most well known harmful effects of smoking. Firstly, 85% of lung cancer cases are caused by smoking and Martin (2005) states that it’s the leading cause of cancer death amongst smokers.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Activities of Investment Banking Essay Example for Free

Activities of Investment Banking Essay The Investment bank is the financial institution which assists the governments, corporations and the individuals in raising the capital by acting or underwriting as the agent of the client in issuance of securities. The investment bank can also help the companies which are involved in acquisitions and mergers, and offer ancillary services like the trading of the derivatives, market making, foreign exchanges, instruments of the fixed income, equity securities and commodities. Unlike the retail banks and commercial banks, the investment banks dont take the deposits. There are commonly two main channels in the process of investment banking. Trading the cash for securities like market making, facilitating transactions or for cash or for the promotion of the securities like research, underwriting is known as the sell side, while correlate with the mutual funds, hedge funds, pension funds and investment public comprises the buy side. Various companies have sell and buy side components. What are the main activities of the investment banking? The investment banking is generally split into back office, middle office and front office activities. While the big service investment banks provide all the channels of the business both buy side and sell side. The little sell side investment companies like as the small broker dealers and the boutique investment banks focus on the trading/sales/research and investment banking respectively. The Investment banks also provide services to both the investors buying securities and the corporations issuing securities. For the corporations, the investment banking provide information on how and when to place the securities on the open market, this activity is very much important to the reputation of any investment bank. Thus, the investment bankers play a key role in issuing the new offerings of the securities. Other activities of the investment banking: Apart from the main activities, there are some additional activities, in which the process of investment banking is involved. These are: †¢ Global transaction banking: This part is the division of investment banking which offers custody services, cash management, security brokerage and lending services to various institutions. Hedge funds with Prime brokerage is especially a risky as well as profitable business. †¢ Merchant banking: This process is also known as the very personal banking. The merchant banks provide capitals in exchange for the share ownerships and also provide information on strategy and management. The term merchant banking is also used to define the private equity part of any company. †¢ Investment management: This service offers professional management of several securities like bonds, shares and of other assets like real estate to meet with certain goals of investment for the profit of the investors. These investors can be institutions like pension funds, insurance companies, corporations and many more or the private investors. †¢ The investment management division of an investment bank is generally divided into separate groups, often known as Private Wealth Management and Private Client Services. †¢ Merchant banking is also a name used to describe the private equity side of a firm.Merchant Banking: Past and Present Current examples include Defoe Fournier Cie. and JPMorgans One Equity Partners and the original J.P. Morgan Co. Rothschilds, Barings, Warburgs and Morgans were all merchant banks. (Originally, merchant bank was the British English term for an investment bank.) Reference:

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Marketing Strategy Implementation in Higher Education Essay -- higher e

The scholarly article which I selected to review addressed the strategic implementation of marketing initiatives within international higher education entities (Naidoo & Woo, 2011). This article was of particular interest to me due to its specific focus on marketing within higher education entities (HEI’s). The authors focused their research on 10 universities which recruit international students; specifically, on 570 questionnaires from mid-level marketing managers responsible for strategic implementation of marketing initiatives. (Naidoo & Woo, 2011, p. 1117) The authors note the disparity in success between HEI’s in addressing the international student market, and raise the implied question of whether differences in successful strategic implementation could be contributory. This study focuses on strategic implementation, as contrasted with strategic formulation, as a driver for marketing success. The premise of the authors is that by focusing on the factors whic h influence successful strategic implementation, HEI’s can enhance marketing program success. In addition to highlighting strategic implementation as a marketing success factor, they emphasize the value of a higher education focus in their research. Although this business category has achieved prolific growth in recent years, most marketing research has been focused on a general business environment. The research found that strategic implementation is viewed by marketing management as operations-driven in nature. The authors uncovered 4 primary constructs from their data: implementation related outcome variables, dimensions of commitment, strategy factors and role factors. (Naidoo & Woo, 2011, p. 1122) Put in simpler terms, the authors identified strategy commi... ...ting program success. They have demonstrated that mid-level marketing managers within Higher Education view individual commitment to the selected strategy, as well as the perceived significance of their role in implementation, as critical factors to role performance, and ultimately program success. Suggestions for follow up may include a closer analysis of successful and less successful HEI’s, to further understand how these factors influence the success or failure of these organizations’ marketing programs. Works Cited Kotler, P., & Keller, K. (2012). A framework for marketing management. (5 ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ : Pearson Hall. Naidoo, V., & Wu, T. (2011). Marketing strategy implementation in higher education: A mixed approach for model development and testing. Journal Of Marketing Management, 27(11/12), 1117-1141. doi:10.1080/0267257X.2011.609132

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Anne Carson Essay

Kiersten Baxley Professor Shirokova English 1102 12 September 2012 Anne Carson’s Lessons Anne Carson is a very intelligent and well rounded writer. When I first read Anne Carson’s â€Å"Short Talks†, I was seriously confused. At first, Ithought she was an abstract writer that wrote just to write. But then I took a second look at her work and realized there was much more to it than just crazy jumbled ideas. â€Å"Short Talks† is a mixture of many elements. It has argumentation, facts, personal opinions, and an unconventional way of writing. As I was rereading the â€Å"Short Talks†, I noticed names, facts, and a lesson to go along with each â€Å"Short Talk. This persuaded me to do some research so the stories would start to make more sense. After completing my research, I have come to the conclusion that â€Å"Short Talks† has been created to teach the reader a lesson, teach them about a historical figure, and to enable the reader to think outside of the box. I do not like reading something and have no idea what is being discussed; and that is what I liked about Anne Carson’s â€Å"Short Talks†, she prompts the reader to think in a critical manner thus persuading them to want to learn about what they are reading. For the reader to fully understand this style of reading, one needs to research Anne Carson’s background. Next the reader needs to research the main topics of each short talk. Anne Carson truly enables the reader to think outside of the box when she uses this less conventional way of writing since most authors do not use this style of writing. Most writers use a more â€Å"normal† approach to their writings. â€Å"Short Talks† seem to teach the reader some sort of lesson when they read them. Take the short talk â€Å"On Major and Minor† for example, Anne states, â€Å" There are more major things than minor things†¦I believe that she is portraying that there are people all around the world that turn very small things into much larger issues than it should be (Bartholomae and Petrosky 264-270). Carson uses the fictional character Elektra as an example in this short talk. Elektra’s mother and step-father murdered Elektra’s father. Elektra took this very hard, so she and her brother Orestes plotted revenge against her mother and step-father. Elektra’s father had been against things like this, but Elektra became so bitter she began to commit many crimes. So this short talk helps us decide between what is major and minor in our life. This helps to keep from overreacting over the small things in life. Another lesson comes from the short talk â€Å"On Reading. † This takes the reader back to their childhood. No, not everyone enjoys reading, but it is also great for you. In this short talk I got the imagery that this little girl was on a road trip with her parents, her father does not enjoy reading but she does. So while on the way to their destination, she reads Madame Bovary. While reading she takes a moment to look around at the sights passing through the window. This just gets the reader to truly think and assess the way they perceive the way they view reading. Having someone who enjoys reading, and someone who finds no pleasure in reading is what makes the world go round. Not everyone appreciates, or finds interest in the same things, but do not discourage anyone if you have no interest in it. If I were to write some short talks I could use an Anne Carson-like writing style, or writing that flows eloquently. I would try to help the reader to understand what is being said, but to also think about what is before them. I would include an introduction in my short talks to help guide the flow of the short talks. An example of my short talks would be: Every day starts the same way. Get up, get dressed, go to class. You see sleepy students stumbling to class, some even skip class. Never enough sleep. This is the life of a college student preparing for the future. You never know what life has in-store for you today, tomorrow, and all the days before you. Cheerleading When you see a cheerleader, you see a peppy smile. Energetic. This is an athlete in many many ways. Athlete’s in skirts! Tumbling, Stunting, Jumping,. Can you throw someone in the air? Never boring when were around. Love How do you explain love? Do you even know where it is or even how to find it? Is it a passion, a sport, a car, or a lover? Expression. Show it in your own way. Never give it up for anything. Adventure How does someone find adventure? One might sky dive, hike a nature trail, bungee jump. Not everyone is adventurous. Not everyone will find adventure in the same way. Riddle me this, when does your big adventure start? Anne Carson did a great job on â€Å"Short Talks. † I thoroughly enjoyed reading herâ€Å"Short Talks. †I also liked how I was challenged and pushed to think critically about â€Å"Short Talks. † That is what makes a great writer.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Abc Model of Crisis Intervention

Although not everyone that comes across a stressor in life will experience a crisis, some are unable to cope with the stressor in a healthy manner and eventually succumb to a crisis. If this person does not receive the adequate crisis intervention during this state, he or she is likely to be unable to function at the level he or she had been functioning before the crisis. This will inevitably lead to additional crisis scenarios for every stressor they must face in life. This pattern can go on for many years until the person’s ego is completely drained of its capacity to deal with reality; often such people commit suicide, kill someone, or have a psychotic breakdown. † (Kanel, K. 2007). In order to be able to help the client to the best of the counselor’s abilities, the ABC Model of Crisis Intervention provides a useful guideline to learn about crisis intervention.In our textbook, Kanel states that â€Å"The three aspects of a crisis are (1) A precipitating event occurs; (2) the perception of this event leads to subjective distress; and (3) usual coping methods fail, leading the person experiencing the event to function psychologically, emotionally, or behaviorally at a lower level than before the precipitating event occurred. † In order to successfully help a client cope with a crisis, these three components must be recognized so that the counselor can help the client identify and overcome the crisis.The perception of the event is by far the most crucial to identify, as this is the one that can help the counselor select the best treatment for the client. In order to be a successful crisis intervention counselor, the most important skills needed are listening to the client with a compassionate and empathetic ear. According to our textbook, the most basic skill of helping is listening. â€Å"Good eye contact, attentive body language, expressive vocal style, and verbal following are valuable listening tools. † (Kanel, K. 2007).Thi s implies that by listening to your client and demonstrating genuine care, sympathy and interest, you can build a trusting rapport with your client and enable them to truly open up to you. If you are unable to build this rapport, you will go nowhere with a client that is either too embarrassed or not confident enough in your ability to help them. It is critical to identify the client’s perception of the event in order to help them. This is what will tell you what the problem at hand truly is. By doing so, the counselor can help the client identify the problem and overcome their issues.I like to use the Cognitive Tree as a metaphor rather than as a guideline of sorts. You need to get to the root of the problem in order to determine how to fix it. If your roots are healthy, your branches will blossom. But if your roots are damaged and aren’t dealt with in a constructive and healthy manner, your branches will wither and perish. I would identify the precipitating event by directly asking the client why they came to see me. After this initial question, I would follow with several open ended questions in order to allow the client to not only describe what the problem is, but also how they perceive the problem to be.Questions like â€Å"What does this mean to you? † or â€Å"†What emotions are going on inside you? † can allow them to express in detail their perception, without making any assumptions for them. As with any patient/client relationships, there are several ethical considerations that should be paid special attention, and if any are present, should be reported immediately. These include any suicidal or homicidal thoughts or intents made clear by the patient. If it is a possibility that they may endanger their life or someone else’s life, this must be reported. Any forms of abuse are also not to be allowed or tolerated, much less encouraged.This includes child abuse, elder abuse and even spousal abuse. Whether the ab use is happening to them, someone else in their household or they are the abuser themselves, this is not to be taken lightly and would need to reported and fully investigated to ensure the best interests of the client as well as their immediate family. Substance-abuse issues also need to be addressed and in that case, adequate treatment would include detox and/or rehab services. Finally any medical concerns that may have arisen are also of concern and should be dealt with immediately.For instance, if since the event the client has become a hoarder or compulsive sex addict, these issues must also be dealt with appropriately. There are many methods of coping treatments available to your clients in today’s day and age. Most traditional forms of coping treatments are those such as support groups or 12-step groups, individual or family therapy, legal aid, or even reading self-help books. Preventative techniques of coping help the client prepare for future stressors in their lives and thus help them to be more able to cope with these stressors in a normal and healthy manner.I would most likely recommend the client to meditate daily in order to remain calm. I would also tell them to envision any stressors that can ever possibly arise and to already plan how they would react to it. For instance, if a client is scared that their husband may need to have a surgery performed, I would tell them to decide how they would deal with it if it does happen. By doing so, they will already begin to face their demons and it will not appear as scary as it did.So when it does happen, it lost all of the unexpected surprise element and can be easier to deal with. The most important thing I must keep in mind as I try to help patients cope with their crisis is that they can be the best counselor to themselves by pretending a friend of theirs was going through a similar situation. What advice would they give their friend? Odds are that is the best advice anyone can give them, so th ey might as well listen to their own advice.References Kanel, Kristi (2007). A Guide to Crisis Intervention. Belmont, CA; Cengage Learning.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Demand and Supply Analysis of Mobile Services in India Essays

Demand and Supply Analysis of Mobile Services in India Essays Demand and Supply Analysis of Mobile Services in India Paper Demand and Supply Analysis of Mobile Services in India Paper INTRODUCTION: India is going through a telecom revolution, especially in the wireless telephony segment. The adoption of mobile telephony remains unparalled in scope, as users from diverse segments increasingly choose to exercise the option of personal mobility. On an average the user base has been adding 4-5 million subscribers per month. The Mobile subscriber base is growing at a scorching pace in India and it is the â€Å"fastest growing mobile market in the world†. The Wireless subscribers have reached to 261. 07 million as on 31st March 2008. The penetration level of mobile services is still below 30% in India, hence there is a huge potential for growth in this segment. But the scenario is different in the other countries since their markets are already saturated. This is the reason why global telecom giants are looking towards us. In India, the major players in the market are Bharti-Airtel, Reliance Communications, Vodafone, BSNL, Idea Cellular Tata teleservices. Apart from them there are other small players like Aircel, Spice, BPL,MTNL, HFCL, Shyam Telelink to name a few. The market share currently enjoyed by the operators is represented in the below figures. Operator-wise Market Share of GSM Operator-wise Market Share of CDMA service providers as on 31st March 2008 service providers on 31st March 2008 The success of the market can be gauged from the fact that mobile user base has surpassed the PC user base in India and very soon the Indian market will have more mobile users than TV viewers. The growing intensity of competition has led to more services for the end user at lower prices. This has had an effect of stimulating demand and thus increasing the category adoption rate. As more users have been added to the subscriber base, it has led to a further downward pressure on operator costs. This has led to further cost benefits to the end user, fuelling further growth in the subscriber base. Demand Analysis: The law of demand states that, if all other factors remain equal, the higher the price of a good, the less people will demand that good. In other words, the higher the price, the lower the quantity demanded. Ideally a demand curve is a downward sloping curve as shown below. This applies directly to mobile services. Few years back the line, the cost of mobile services is high, hence the demand is very low. Once the price came down the demand for mobile services has increased substantially. The table below gives the number of mobile subscribers (Quantity) and the average price variation on yearly basis starting from 1997. Year Quantity(Q)Price(P) 19970. 346 19980. 885. 5 19991. 25 20001. 884. 5 20013. 584 20026. 433. 5 200312. 693 200433. 62. 5 200552. 212 200693. 041. 5 2007165. 111 2008261. 070. 8 Quantity : Subscriber base in Millions. Price : Cost per minute in Rupees. If we plot the above data taking quantity on X-axis and price on Y-axis, the demand curve can be plotted as shown below: Shift in Demand Curve: A shift in a demand or supply curve occurs when a goods quantity demanded or supplied changes even though price remains the same. For instance, if the price per minute Rs. 2 and the quantity of beer demanded increased from Q1 to Q2, then there would be a shift in the demand for mobile services. Shifts in the demand curve imply that the original demand relationship has changed, eaning that quantity demand is affected by a factor other than price. In an ideal situation the shift in the curve will be represented as shown above. The demand for mobile services is not only dependent on the price. There will be situations where the price remains constant but the demand goes up. The major factors affecting this shift in demand for mobile services are income level population of the country. The rising income level o f middle class society is driving the growth of the mobile services in India. Shift in Demand Curve years back mobile was a luxury but now mobile is a necessity. The demand shift for the mobile services at a constant price is shown as above as per the available data. Supply: Supply is a relation between the various prices of a good and the quantity supplied by sellers of it per time period. As far as mobile services in India are concerned, determining the supply is not practically possible. The competition among the mobile service operators is resulting in lower tariffs rather than other factors. Currently Indian telecom companies offers the lowest mobile call charges in the world. Since the mobile operators are having enough bandwith available with them to cope with the increase in demand in the coming years, the shortage of the supply has not arised as such. Only exception in this case is BSNL –Cellone, where the increase in capacity has been delayed due to improper government decisions. Elasticity: The degree to which a demand or supply curve reacts to a change in price is the curves elasticity. To ascertain whether the mobile services in India are relatively elastic or inelastic lets see the see the following example. A couple of months back, Airtel (India’s largest mobile operator) has slashed the long distance call charges from Rs. 2. 65 to 1. 50. Since the prices were slashed by 40%, the people started talking more on their mobile phones, this resulted in a very huge surge in mobile traffic throughout India. As per the statistics, the peak hour traffic increased to a whooping 80%. Since a small change in price is resulting in a huge change in the quantity demanded, we can say that mobile services in India have a relatively elastic demand. Price in Rs. Quantity in Mill minutes 2. 65100 . 5180 Relatively Elastic demand for mobile services. Effect of Tax on mobile services: Mobile services are subject to indirect taxation imposed by the government. Here we consider the effects of indirect taxes on a producers costs and the importance of price elasticity of demand in determining the effects of a tax on market price and quantity. As mobile services in India are relatively elastic, the service providers have to absorb the tax imposed on them. The demand curve is drawn as price elastic. The mobile service provider must absorb the majority of the tax himself. When demand is elastic, the effect of a tax is still to raise the price – but we see a bigger fall in equilibrium quantity. Output has fallen from Q1 to Q2 due to a contraction in demand. Comparison of Mobile services in India and US: In United States, the mobile service market is relatively inelastic. Since the markets are already saturated, for any price change there is little scope for any drastic changes in the demand for mobile services. (a) In United States (b) In India Joint Demand: Joint demand says if the quantity demanded for one product increases the demand for another product also increases. The Concept of joint demand is applicable to mobile service industry and the mobile handset manufacturing industry. In the financial year 2006-07, there were 72. 04 million new customer additions, this led to total sales of 66 million handsets. The same is the case in the next financial year 2007-08, where a 33% increase in subscriber base has led to a 28% increase in the mobile handset business. YearHandsets sold*No. f new users* 2006-076672. 04 2007-088595. 96 * The figures in the above table are in millions. From the above graph it is evident that direction of both the lines representing the demand for mobile phones and the demand for mobile services is same. Substitutes: The major substitute available for mobile service is the fixed line service. State owned BSNL is the market leader in this segment and the other players include MTNL, Airtel, Tata teleservices, etc. Wireline services subscriber base stood at 39. 42 million as on march 2008. This is just 15% of the total mobile services subscriber base. Another interesting fact is that the wire line subscriber base has decreased from 40. 75 in 2007 to 39. 42 in 2008. where as in the same time period, the mobile services has added 95. 96 million subscribers. 2007 2008 (Year) Revenue: Finally lets see how the revenue is varying in the telecom sector. Revenue is calculated as the price of the product/service multiplied by the quantity demanded. Lets take the overall performance of the Indian telecom sector for the financial year 2007-08 on quarterly basis. The Total revenue of the Telecom Services Sector for the I st Quarter (April –June 2007) of 2007-08 was Rs. 28,972 Crore, for the IInd Quarter (July –September 2007) of 2007-08 was Rs. 31,286 Crore and for the IIIrd quarter (October-December 2007) of 2007-08 was Rs. 33,055 Crores thereby showing a growth of 5. 66%. The total revenue for IVth Quarter (January -March2008) of 2007-08 was Rs. 35,770 Crores thereby showing a growth of 8. 21%. We can observe that the revenue is increasing quarter by quarter. This is in tune with the demand for the mobile services.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Tips for Writing an Introduction - Proofeds Writing Tips

Tips for Writing an Introduction - Proofeds Writing Tips Tips for Writing an Introduction Whether you’re writing a short paper or an 80,000 word dissertation, your opening chapter should be clear, well-structured and informative. This is because the introduction is the first thing your reader will see in your paper. It therefore serves as an entrance point to your work, laying out a map for what follows. It is also where you can make a good first impression by demonstrating your communication and analytical skills. A good paper therefore needs a good introduction. And to make sure your essays start as well as possible, it is worth considering three things in particular: content, structure and style. Introduction Content There are certain things that every introduction should include, so consider whether your introduction does the following: Define Your Terms Often the most important thing you can do is outline your subject area and define how you are using key terms; try to use a definition from an expert rather than a dictionary definition. Briefly Explain the Background of Your Research Detailed information can be saved for a literature review, but it can help to identify important existing research in the field and to explain how your work will build on this. State Your Objectives and what Your Work Adds to the Debate Explain specifically what you are arguing and how this contributes to existing knowledge. Outline the Structure of your Paper Provide an overview of what each section in your paper will cover and how they relate to your overall argument. This will make your work much easier to follow. Structure It is particularly important that the introduction to your paper is easy to follow, as a disorganized opening will create a negative first impression and there is sometimes a lot of information you need to convey in a short space (ideally, no more than 10% of the paper). As such, it is vital that each paragraph in your introduction flows smoothly into the next, with clarity and concision priorities. A good introduction will often be structured like a mini-paper in itself, with a beginning, middle and end in which you introduce your topic, explain the key concepts and conclude with a hypothesis. Style As mentioned above, clarity and concision are vital when writing an introduction. But there are a few additional things to keep in mind too: Grab the Reader’s Attention A good opening paragraph can make a big difference, so try using an interesting anecdote, example or provocative question to introduce your topic. Avoid Being Too General Though â€Å"Since the beginning of time†¦Ã¢â‚¬  might sound like a good starting point, you’re usually better off being a little more specific. Make Your Work a Pleasure to Read A good introduction will make your reader want to read on, so you should aim to make your writing clear, but still try to write with confidence and flair. Another tip is to write a rough introduction to begin with then revisit it once you have finished your research, by which point you should have good idea of what your paper is about! If you need further advice on how to write and structure an introduction, the professionals at Proofed are here to help.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Nuclear Weapons Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Nuclear Weapons - Coursework Example Currently, such as weapon would have a larger toll in modern city such as New York and Paris. In addition, a ground level explosion would lead to immense death s due to the intensity of local fallout that would lead to deaths within an hour or even two weeks as a result of radiation. However, such a phenomena was absent in the Japanese cities. After the 1945 incidents, there was an international outcry which resulted in the formation of international bodies such as the UN in order to regulate the building of nuclear weapons. However, this effort has failed miserably. It is of great importance to note that the two bombs that were initially used have been expanded (Kapur 2007). For instance, current bombs have a common nuclear yield of 150,000-500,000 tones. This would have a major devastating impact on the world if used in time of war. Nuclear proliferation entails the spread of nuclear weapons to countries that were not recognized as Nuclear Weapon States. Initially, nuclear weapons developed as a contest of superiority between the superpowers. Each powerful country required weapons that would infringe more losses to the enemy than the others that were in existence. This exerted the pressure on the countries to come up with weapons that would cause mass destruction. This was mainly during the Second World War when the two warring sides tried to look for weapons that would have a large number of casualties. The initial weapons that were in existence were tested during this war. However, they were not effective, an aspect that forced the US to come up with nuclear weapons especially because the war would provide the platform to test these weapons. Constant threats by the Soviet Union forced the US government to increase its budget towards military research. This is to ensure that the military was well equipped to face the enemies. After the World War

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Critical analysis of a tv show of film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Critical analysis of a tv show of film - Essay Example This paper helps to provide an insight into the life of Juno, how she dealt with her problem of teenage pregnancy and how the people around her were affected, taking into account the stereotypical reactions and circumstances that she was thrust within. Juno the film has a very basic story line as well as concept attached to the tale; it is about a young girl trying to explore the nooks and crannies of intimacy and relationships without understanding the implications that might arise along with the same. The film has been directed in a very concise manner making use of pencil stylized ‘rotoscoped’ images right from the credits in the beginning, making use of animation in order to help the audience understand the maturity level of the girl and the kind of colourful life that she always wanted to live for herself. This entire sequence took a period of seven to eight months to be mastered as each and every shot that follows Juno on her way to the medical pharmacy was taken i n short screenings. The film thus helps teenagers to explore the kind of curiosity that reigns within them, and how the same should be understood not by simply jumping in and trying things out with friends, but by reading about things and comprehending the facts about life from one’s parents first. ... (Sciretta, Peter) The film achieved mass appeal because of the story telling as well as how the girl managed to learn her lesson without panicking much about the situation. The various characters within the movie have been portrayed in a very interesting manner. The director has taken his time to choose the main protagonists and provide them with a different twist. Juno is a young teenage girl who comes off a little strong on the first meeting with everyone. Full of sarcasm, she helps to put an indie spin on the movie and gives a very intense performance with her dominating nature and need to control everything that might not even be in her reach. However, she understands where she went wrong by getting pregnant but decides to bring about a change in a couple’s life with the help of her baby who she is willing to give up in order to make someone else happy. There was a vast amount of dramatisation in the film played by the other characters, namely Juno’s parents which h elped to calm the situation by making her understand what she had gone through, and helping her come out with a solution rather than screaming at her and making her feel the pain of the implications and consequences that she was already suffering. The two characters acted in an excellent manner, almost very real and lifelike, helping parents all around to understand how to cope with their children if they befall such a similar situation in their future. Juno herself wonderfully shows the kind of solid and sincere relationship she always wanted a child to be under the influence of during his or her growing up years and thus decides to give the baby to the perfect couple who will be able to raise it with love and patience. The movie falls

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

ICT Part 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

ICT Part 1 - Essay Example However, a correct solution can only be selected based on correct evaluation of existing system. Identifying the importance of evaluation Burgess (65) states, â€Å"The topic of the evaluation of ICT influence on the company performance has been a concern for both IS researchers and practitioners since the first business application.† Following is a detailed evaluation of five major issues that are facing the organization. The purpose of this evaluation is to isolate an issue with the highest priority, so that a strategic plan may be sketched out to address the issue. The present system is managing business information effectively but it is unable to give a big picture of the business that can provide decision support to business managers. The system is recording almost every aspect of the business from daily transaction to yearly reports. However, managers are unable to extract useful information just in time from the heaps of reports that are present in the system. Mallach (15-16) observes, â€Å"To make a real difference, we must look beyond improved efficiency†. It is important because â€Å"The benefits that come from providing managers with information to make better decisions are far greater.† The second issue facing RR is to work out the competitive advantage that the outsourcing can bring to the company. Presently, entire software development, infrastructure maintenance and desktop support is managed by the in-house ICT department. This over burdens the ICT team of 120 members at RR. The problem is closely related to the third issue of keeping the costs under control for ICT operations. The migration of RR from simple Transaction Processing System (TPS) to a Decision Support System (DSS) is a tough ask as far the provisioning of adequate resources is concerned. Lastly, it was noted that implementation of electronic supply chain will not have a relative importance to managers in the current economic

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Improved Supply Chain Management Benefits

Improved Supply Chain Management Benefits Improved supply chain management has the following benefits: Reduced stock holding. The implementation of effective supply chain a company can reduce the number of stocks it is keeping and at the same time improving the customer service. Reducing stocks on hand will avoid incurring holding costs which is the cost the company pays for storing stocks. It includes warehousing and labour to keep the stocks. Good communication between the company and its suppliers, knowing the minimum stocks needed before reorder, proper estimation of demand, and understanding the mode of transportation will help to determine the correct volume of stocks the company needs in a given period will help it to eliminate excess inventory. Managing the information and communicating and sharing it effectively to suppliers and customers will result to accuracy of the level of stocks needed at a certain period. The inventory level must be enough to meet the demands of the customers and with the minimum costs to be incurred. The supply and the demand for a product must be balanced. Reducing the sto cks avoid tying the company’s capital on unnecessary stocks. Elimination of waste. Waste in form of spoilages, defects, theft and obsolescence can be minimized and possibly eliminated through having the right inventory level to keep on a particular period. Overstocking or overproduction will result to wastes and losses for the company. Customers are only after receiving the right quantity and good quality at the right time. Activities such as unnecessary movement of goods within the warehouse, and warehousing which does not add value to customers should be eliminated. Implementation of an effective supply chain will make this possible. Proper coordination with suppliers and understanding logistics are the keys to deliver customer service and demand at the right place, quantity and time. Improved customer service. Effective supply chain will increase efficiency within a company. Efficient company can deliver best services to customers. It important to recognise what the customers really want and that is what the company will deliver. Only those value adding activities are practices within the company. Value adding activities are those processes within the company that will add satisfaction to customers. Products should be delivered to customers on time and in accordance to their specifications. The customers demand should not just be met but should also be exceeded. Reduced Labour Costs. Effective supply chain will reduce labour costs. Because the processes in the company is well planned and defined, duties and personnel are not redundant. Unnecessary functions are eliminated thus resulting to reduced labour costs. One example is that when a company is maintaining only the right volume of inventory, it will not be needing more people to do the stocking, operating forklift, people who will secure the warehouse and supervisor. Improved Manufacturing Planning. The raw materials required, the timing of deliveries and other activities and resources related to planning a manufacturing of product must all be considered in order to produce a product with the least costs but with good quality that at the end would satisfy customers. In planning the resources, the company should be ready for contingencies and should address the question â€Å"what-if†. Through careful planning, manufacturing a product can be carried on without any reservation because all the possibilities were considered. Just In Time. Just in time is an inventory strategy wherein goods are only received only when needed in production process  [1]. Through this strategy, wastes and carrying costs are minimized because a company is just holding right amount of stocks that will make it able to meet the demands of the customers. This strategy will be effective if the company has strong relationship with suppliers. These suppliers are willing to deliver more frequently and on time to meet customers demand. Methods to overcome barriers in an organisation when implementing a supply chain improvement strategy Inappropriate distribution networks. Distribution network as defined is interrelated arrangement of people, storage facilities and transportation systems that moves goods and services from producers to consumers  [2]. The distribution network should be reliable and fast customers want to get their products when they want it. Inappropriate distribution networks will hinder the proper and fast movement of products from manufacture to customer that is why there should be proper planning on who and what should be included in the distribution network. Ineffective distribution strategies. Distribution strategy is the plan how a manufacturing company will transfer products to intermediaries such as wholesalers to retailers until it reach the end user  [3]. The strategy must we well thought and should use distribution networks that are reliable so that the products will reach customers at the right time. Trade-offs in logistical activity. Trade-offs in logistics may happen for example when deciding to have fewer depots, lowering stocks requirements or using less protective transport packaging in exchange for some advantages such as reducing costs or no need to have large storage facilities. The impact of these trade-off should be considered because this might cause loss in sales due to wrong order picking and other instances related to trade-offs. Reduction of transportation costs. Transportation is one of the costly expenses in supply chain. It is important to have the best quality transport that will bring goods to places at the right time and price. In order to reduce the cost of transportation, a company may reduce the number of carriers, consolidate deliveries and by single sourcing  [4]. In reducing the number of carriers, large volume of works will be given to selected carriers and they will be able to give lower rates. Deliveries may also be consolidated if the trip is based on weight, distance and other variables so that fewer trips will be made. Single sourcing of carrier, the company is getting quotations from several carriers detailing what is required. The company may select the best quotation that can meet the requirements and evaluate if the carrier can perform on the whole duration of the contract. If the carrier has these qualities, the company can get a lot of saving on having single carrier. 5. Increased inventory holding costs Holding costs are cost associated to stocks that are not yet sold  [5]. It includes labour costs, space or rental, costs of damaged goods and other expenses related on keeping the stocks. The company must determine the level of volume of stocks that it needs to keep in order to avoid these costs. Holding cost is also an opportunity cost because having lot of stocks would mean tying the cash on the stocks instead of using the cash on other parts of operation of the company. Inability to integrate processes through the supply chain to share information Supply chain involves information sharing. Supply chain links companies to other companies. If information are shared between companies, it will be available on a real time basis and the companies will be able see the demand and with the ultimate goal of meeting the demands of customers. When companies have reliable and accurate shared information, their processes will be synchronized. All the processes are done to meet what is required. Uncertainties are reduces which results to holding low level stocks that is just right to meet the customer demand. Poor inventory management. Inventory management can be successfully implemented if a company can make a purchasing plan that will ensure that what they hold is just what is needed. It is not too much or too less. Just in time inventory is a good strategy to keep inventory at a certain level wherein the company plans to receive goods only when it is needed thus reducing significantly holding costs. A company can successfully implement through a purchasing plan which schedules delivery of material through the forecasts and projections made on sales. Cash flow problems Reducing costs and avoiding cash flow problems are benefits of effective supply chain. Holding large volume of unnecessary stocks at a given period will cause cash flow problem in a company. Keeping these stocks is equivalent to costs and cash outlays. The company will pay large amount to suppliers but the stocks are not yet sold, tying the cash to the stocks. This will affect the liquidity of the company and can cause problem in a company. References: [1] Investopedia. Just in Time. July 2014. Retrieved from [2] Investopedia. Distribution Network. July 2014. Retrieved from [3] Business Dictionary. Distribution Strategy. July 2014. Retrieved from [4] Murray, M. Reducing Transportation Costs. July 2014. Retrieved from [5] Investopedia. Holding Costs. July 2014. Retrieved from

Friday, October 25, 2019

Poes Fall of The House of Usher Essays: A Perspective :: Fall House Usher Essays

The Fall of The House of Usher The Fall of The House of Usher is an eerie, imaginative story. The reader is captured by the twisted reality. Many things in the story are unclear to the reader; but no less interesting. For instance, even the conclusion of the story lends it self to argument. Did the house of Usher truly "fall"? Or, is this event simply symbolism? In either case, it makes a dramatic conclusion. Also dramatic is the development of the actual house. It seems to take on a life of its own. The house is painted with mystery. The narrator himself comments on the discerning properties of the aged house; "What was it, I paused to think, what was it that so unnerved me in the contemplation of the house of Usher" (54)? The house is further developed in the narrator's references to the house. "...In this mansion of gloom" (55). Even the surroundings serve the purpose. The narrator describes the landscape surrounding as having, "... an atmosphere which had no affinity with the air of heaven, but which had reek ed up from the decayed trees, and the gray wall, and the silent tarn a pestilent and mystic vapor, dull, sluggish, faintly discernible, and leaden hued" (55). This fantastic imagery sets the mood of the twisted events. Roderick Usher complements the forbidding surroundings terrifically. His temperament is declining and he seems incessantly agitated and nervous. And, as it turns out, Roderick's fears are valid. For soon enough, before his weakening eyes, stands the Lady Madeline of Usher. This shocking twist in the story is developed through the book that the narrator is reading. The last line that he reads is, "Madman! I tell you that she now stands without the door" (66)! Without suspecting such an event, the reader soon finds Lady Madeline actually standing at the door. She is described as having, "...blood on her white robes, and the evidence of some bitter struggle upon every portion of her emaciated frame" (66). This line not only induces terror but invites debate. Upon seeing the woman the reader has to consider the cause of her death.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Abnormal Psychology Online

Abnormal Psychology Online September 30, 2012 Case 15 – Autism Questions: 1. What are some behaviors that Adam demonstrated that eventually concerned his mother as she compared his behavior to other children at his birthday party and as she compared his development to his older brother? Adam did not produce words like the other toddlers at the party. The noises that Adam babbled were not directed to anyone or anything. Adam did not label people or objects. 2. What is echolalia and pronominal reversal? Give examples. Echolalia is a mechanical repeating or echoing of a word or phrase that someone else has said.The person with autism will repeat the word with the same intonation as the person who said it originally, but will seem to lack understanding of what he/she is repeating. Sometimes the echoing will reoccur days after the original phrase was said; this is called delayed echolalia. Another peculiarity of language in people with autism is pronominal reversal. In pronominal r eversal, the autistic person will often refer to him or herself as â€Å"you†. For example, when asking for water, he/she might say: â€Å"Do you want some water? † Naturally, this is the way they are asked what they want, and they then identify themselves as â€Å"you†, not â€Å"I†. . What are the 5 main symptoms that are hallmarks of an autistic disorder? The five symptoms of autism are severed receptive and expressive language skills, nonverbal communication skills, lack of imaginative play with toys, social perceptual difficulties, and repeated of ridged behaviors. 4. What is the preferred therapeutic intervention in working with children with autism? Early intervention is the preferred method in working with children with autism. 5. What treatments were included in Adam's treatment plan? Three hours of behavior therapy each week. 6.How did Adam's disorder affect the family structure? Give examples. Adam was getting a lot of attention and his older b rother started to resent Adam. Adam parents spent most of their time helping Adam with his therapies. 7. The Autism Society of America site http://www. autism-society. org/ and the National Institute of Mental Health site http://www. nimh. nih. gov/publicat/autism. cfm both give more information regarding autism. How does this relate to Adam and his family? These websites gave more information on what are the signs of autism and the different types of autism.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Indian Community

There are different communities around the world serving different purposes. A community tends to affect everyone's life one way or the other by interacting with every individual. Community describes a group of people who have something in common, even though every human is unique. By belonging to the Indian community, I have interacted more with its cultural community, social community, and school community. People all over India belongs to a variety of different communities depending upon their geographic location, values and beliefs, social and recreational interests, history, culture, and language, education and skills, family and race. Apart from the existence of different communities Cultural, Language, Social, and School communities are highly eminent in the Indian community. Culture is an important part of the Indian community. Indian culture has taught me several different things such as how to behave in front of others, how to respect others, how to perform my duties in order, and many other significant guidelines. My culture includes various religious activities such as performing â€Å"Pooja,† a Hindu religion ritual, when somebody bought a new house or for the well being of their family. My sister is also involved in many religious performances like â€Å"Garba,† which is a dance activity done to worship a Hindu goddess â€Å"Amba. † Dance is considered to be a form of art and is of great significance for my family. Certainly, there are several religious festivals in my culture among which the famous one is â€Å"Diwali,† the festival of lights, which is celebrated in honor of Lord Rama on his return to home from exile after fourteen years in jungle. As a child I was always exited to light the firecrackers and eat lots of sweets during the festival of â€Å"Diwali. † Language is also an important constituent of Indian culture since people in Indian community speak several different languages. Hindi, the national language of India, and English are used as the buffer languages by the people of Indian community since they primarily speak their own state languages. My primary language is my state language, Gujarati, then come Hindi, English, Sanskrit, and Spanish, which I learned after coming to United States. In my culture, elders are given the priority of making the decisions in the family and to guide others from their experiences how to make judgments during critical situations. A strong bond of unity prevails in the family, which helps to share joy and sorrow of everyone in the family. Another important aspect of the Indian community is Society. Social community greatly interacts with me in the terms of my relationship towards my relatives, cousins, neighbors, friends, and many others with whom I deal with on a daily basis. Everyone older than me has to be called with a respectful name or a subtitle. I have to go with my family on social visits to my relatives' house on our religious occasions and ceremonies like wedding, birthdays, etc. When we visit someone's house during a New Year day or some special occasions we give them a gift, a box of sweets or usually its money that we offer. There are usually frequent visits from my cousins and friends during the summer time so that we can enjoy our vacation together. For instance, we all would play â€Å"Cricket† in the open fields of the farm in my village and climb up the mango trees to get some raw mangoes. My neighbors around us are very helpful and caring people. A major part in my life and the Indian community is the School community. School community greatly emphasizes on the educational programs than any other programs like athletic, different kinds of clubs, etc. Education is considered as a prestige of the family in the Indian community and highly signifies the family status. My school life in India was the true experience of discipline, manner, and respect for others. Indian schools are strict about the education and so every school enforce rules and regulations of their own. Schools have their own uniforms and guidelines, which every student like me should follow and obey them. My exams were much harder back in my country, India, than they are in United States, in the terms that there were not multiple choice questions, there were mostly essay questions, and in addition to that sometimes we have two final exams in one day. My school life in India is by far the best part of my life that I have ever enjoyed. Thus, Cultural, Language, Social, and School communities in the Indian community are the important aspects of Indian life. The complex nature of these various sub-communities in the Indian community has made them so important that each one can be explored more extensively. As each of these communities is not static, but rather changeable and interdependent on each other. Further more, in-depth analysis of these sub-communities would describe the Indian community as a whole.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Evaluation

I have reviewed my speech and I am surprised that I did so well. I mean I got a 88 on my speech and that’s great for me. I was really nervous, and I thought that was my worst one but I guess not. I still see a lot of flaws in my speech. First I messed up the power point, but just for a second though. So I guess that wasn’t so bad. Then later on while I was giving the speech I totally forgot to bring up the power point when I was on a specific topic of the speech. Well all in all I thought that it wasn’t that bad because I remembered halfway through my sentence, so I kind of saved my self there. Second, my voice is still real slow and boring sounding but I can’t do nothing with I don’t think. I’ve been made fun of for as long as I can remember for having such a slow voice. I will try to spice it up a little bit but I doubt it, but I’ll try. I’m still real shy when I get in front of the class so that quiets and slows down my voice even more so I will try to get more courage the next time I am up there. Finally, I still hunch over when I’m up in front of the class. I need to work on my stance so more. Also I keep putting my hands in my pockets, I don’t even think about it when I do it. So now for the next I will work on standing straight and keeping my hands out of my pockets. I have reviewed my speech and I made it through the hardest speech, well so far anyways. I still have one more so hopefully it will be a heck of a lot easier. I will definitely work on my stance, keeping my hands out of my pockets, spicing up my voice and getting little more comfortable with the power point.... Free Essays on Evaluation Free Essays on Evaluation I have reviewed my speech and I am surprised that I did so well. I mean I got a 88 on my speech and that’s great for me. I was really nervous, and I thought that was my worst one but I guess not. I still see a lot of flaws in my speech. First I messed up the power point, but just for a second though. So I guess that wasn’t so bad. Then later on while I was giving the speech I totally forgot to bring up the power point when I was on a specific topic of the speech. Well all in all I thought that it wasn’t that bad because I remembered halfway through my sentence, so I kind of saved my self there. Second, my voice is still real slow and boring sounding but I can’t do nothing with I don’t think. I’ve been made fun of for as long as I can remember for having such a slow voice. I will try to spice it up a little bit but I doubt it, but I’ll try. I’m still real shy when I get in front of the class so that quiets and slows down my voice even more so I will try to get more courage the next time I am up there. Finally, I still hunch over when I’m up in front of the class. I need to work on my stance so more. Also I keep putting my hands in my pockets, I don’t even think about it when I do it. So now for the next I will work on standing straight and keeping my hands out of my pockets. I have reviewed my speech and I made it through the hardest speech, well so far anyways. I still have one more so hopefully it will be a heck of a lot easier. I will definitely work on my stance, keeping my hands out of my pockets, spicing up my voice and getting little more comfortable with the power point....

Monday, October 21, 2019

Assignment One Law Example

Assignment One Law Example Assignment One Law – Case Study Example Court vs. Tribunal Courts are a legal mechanism established to solve disputes and assist in interpreting the law. On the other hand, tribunals refer to an individual or an institutional granted the authority to adjudicate or settle disputes (Cownie, Bradney Burton, Mandy and Bradney, Anthony, â€Å"English Legal System in Context,† Sixth edition. (UK: Oxford University Press, 2013): 65.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Battle of Fort Necessity in the French and Indian War

Battle of Fort Necessity in the French and Indian War In the spring of 1754, Virginia Governor Robert Dinwiddie dispatched a construction party to the Forks of the Ohio (present-day Pittsburgh, PA) with the goal of building a fort to assert British claims to the area. To support the effort, he later sent 159 militia, under Lieutenant Colonel George Washington, to join the building team. While Dinwiddie instructed Washington to remain on the defensive, he indicated that any attempt to interfere with the construction work was to be prevented. Marching north, Washington found that the workers had been driven away from the forks by the French and had retreated south. As the French began constructing Fort Duquesne at the forks, Washington received new orders instructing him to commence building a road north from Wills Creek. Obeying his orders, Washingtons men proceeded to Wills Creek (present-day Cumberland, MD) and began work. By May 14, 1754, they reached a large, marshy clearing known as the Great Meadows. Establishing a base camp in the meadows, Washington began exploring the area while waiting for reinforcements. Three days later, he was alerted to the approach of a French scouting party. Assessing the situation, Washington was advised by Half King, a Mingo chief allied to the British, to take a detachment to ambush the French. Armies Commanders British Lieutenant Colonel George WashingtonCaptain James McKay393 men French Captain Louis Coulon de Villiers700 men Battle of Jumonville Glen Agreeing, Washington and approximately 40 of his men marched through the night and foul weather to set the trap. Finding the French camped in a narrow valley, the British surrounded their position and opened fire. The resulting Battle of Jumonville Glen lasted about fifteen minutes and saw Washingtons men kill 10 French soldiers and capture 21, including their commander Ensign Joseph Coulon de Villiers de Jumonville. After the battle, as Washington was interrogating Jumonville, Half King walked up and struck the French officer in the head killing him. Building the Fort Anticipating a French counterattack, Washington fell back to Great Meadows and on May 29 ordered his men to begin constructing a log palisade. Placing the fortification in the middle of the meadow, Washington believed the position would provide a clear field of fire for his men. Though trained as a surveyor, Washingtons relative lack of military experience proved critical as the fort was sited in a depression and was too close to the tree lines. Dubbed Fort Necessity, Washingtons men quickly completed work on the fortification.  During this time, Half King attempted to rally Delaware, Shawnee, and Seneca warriors to support the British. On June 9, additional troops from Washingtons Virginia regiment arrived from Wills Creek bringing his total force up to 293 men. Five days later, Captain James McKay arrived with his Independent Company of regular British troops from South Carolina. Shortly after making camp, McKay and Washington entered into a dispute over who should command. While Washington held a superior rank, McKays commission in the British Army took precedence. The two ultimately agreed on an awkward system of joint command. While McKays men remained at Great Meadows, Washingtons continued work on the road north to Gists Plantation. On June 18, Half King reported that his efforts were unsuccessful and no Native American forces would be reinforcing the British position. Battle of Great Meadows Late in the month, word was received that a force of 600 French and 100 Indians had departed Fort Duquesne. Feeling that his position at Gists Plantation was untenable, Washington retreated to Fort Necessity. By July 1, the British garrison had concentrated, and work began on a series of trenches and earthworks around the fort. On July 3, the French, led by Captain Louis Coulon de Villiers, Jumonvilles brother, arrived and quickly surrounded the fort. Taking advantage of Washingtons mistake, they advanced in three columns before occupying the high ground along the tree line which allowed them to fire into the fort. Knowing that his men needed to clear the French from their position, Washington prepared to assault the enemy.   Anticipating this, Villiers attacked first and ordered his men to charge at the British lines.   While the regulars held their position and inflicted losses on the French, the Virginia militia fled into the fort. After breaking Villiers charge, Washington withdrew all of his men back to Fort Necessity. Outraged by his brothers death, which he considered murder, Villiers had his men maintain a heavy fire on the fort through the day. Pinned down, Washingtons men soon ran short of ammunition. To make their situation worse, heavy rain began which made firing difficult. Around 8:00 PM, Villiers sent a messenger to Washington to open surrender negotiations. With his situation hopeless, Washington agreed. Washington and McKay met with Villiers, however, the negotiations went slowly as neither spoke the others language. Finally, one of Washingtons men, who spoke bits of both English and French, was brought forward to serve as an interpreter. Aftermath After several hours of talking, a surrender document was produced. In exchange for surrendering the fort, Washington and McKay were permitted to withdraw back to Wills Creek. One of the clauses of the document stated that Washington was responsible for the assassination of Jumonville. Denying this, he claimed the translation he had been given was not assassination but death of or killing. Regardless, Washingtons admission was used as propaganda by the French. After the British departed on July 4, the French burned the fort and marched to Fort Duquesne. Washington returned to Great Meadows the following year as part of the disastrous Braddock Expedition. Fort Duquesne would remain in French hands until 1758 when the site was captured by General John Forbes.